Mii Swordfighter

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Mii Swordfighter
SSBU Mii Swordfighter artwork.png
SSB4 Mii Swordfighter.png
Mii Swordfighter amiibo.png
Favorite color Blue
First appearance Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U
Last appearance Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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The Mii Swordfighter (剣術タイプ, Fencing Type) known as Mii Sword Fighter in PAL versions of Smash 4, (also known as "けんじゅつE" in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's files, roughly translating to Kenjutsu E, Kenjutsu being the art of sword fighting, and the "E" is currently unknown [1]) is one of the three different types of Mii Fighters that appear in the in the fourth entry alongside the Mii Brawler and Mii Gunner.

Default Appearances

The default Mii Swordfighter used in marketing material does not have a set in stone appearance, with there being slight variations in his design between Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

In the fourth entry of the Super Smash Bros. series, the Mii Swordfighter had at the time a sticking resemblance with Guest B, although it has a different hair style and his eyes are wider.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

In the fifth entry of the Super Smash Bros. series, the Mii Swordfighter has had some modifications compared to its Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U counterpart, now having shorter hair, different eyebrows, and brighter hair, accentuating his fighter stature.

Special moves

Neutral specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Gale Strike A blade technique that sends a tornado hurtling forth. Launches a tornado with a blade technique, tossing opponents upward. Gradually loses strength.
Shuriken of Light A small throwing weapon made of light that flies straight forward. Throws a small weapon made of light that flies straight forward. The power increases as it travels.
Blurring Blade A flurry of sword slashes. Charge it longer for extra power. Unleashes multiple quick, flame-engulfed jabs. Holding the button increases the attack's power.

Side specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Airborne Assault Flip forward to strike a foe, and then rebound off of them Jumps forward and slashes any opponent in the way. Bounces backward if blocked by a shield.
Slash Launcher (SSB4)
Gale Stab (Ultimate)
Rush through anyone in your path, and launch them upward. Launches forward and unleashes a stab. Charging runs farther and deals more damage.
Chakram A throwing weapon that you can guide with directional inputs. Throws a weapon that can be guided with directional inputs.

Up specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Stone Scabbard A high jump followed by a firm downward strike with your sword. Jumps high and follows up with a firm downward strike.
Skyward Slash Dash A flurry of slashes that sends you in the direction of your choice. Slashes with a flurry, launching in the direction the control stick is tilted.
Hero's Spin A spinning sword attack that sends you upward if used in the air. Spins with a sword attack that rises upward if used in the air.

Down specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Blade Counter Counter an enemy attack. The strength of your strike depends on their attack. Counters an attack. The strength of the strike depends on the foe's attack.
Reversal Slash Creates a rainbow that reflects projectiles. Can also flip foes around if it hits them. Creates a rainbow that reflects projectiles. Can also flip foes around if it hits them.
Power Thrust A high-speed strike that goes forward on the ground and diagonally down in the air. Strikes at high-speed. Goes forward on the ground and diagonally down in the air.

Final Smash

Final Edge: Lifts the sword and unleashes many low-knockback crescents of random colors in a chosen direction

Other customization options


Like the other Mii Fighters, the Mii Swordfighter can be given one of 12 voices at one of 3 pitches in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


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Like other Mii Fighters, Mii Swordfighter can be given outfits and hats, with the outfits being exclusive to the Mii type.


Like other fighters in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, Mii Fighters can use Equipment. The Mii Swordfighter can use the sword, jacket, boots, and badge types of equipment.