Mii Gunner

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Mii Gunner
SSBU Mii Gunner artwork.png
SSB4 Mii Gunner.png
Mii Gunner amiibo.png
Favorite color Yellow (Ultimate) / Orange (3DS and Wii U)
First appearance Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U
Last appearance Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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The Mii Gunner (射撃タイプ, Shooting Type) (also known as "しゃげきJ" in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's files, roughly translating to Shageki J, Shageki means shooting, and the "J" is currently unknown.[1]) is one of the three different types of Mii Fighters that appear in the in the fourth entry alongside the Mii Brawler and Mii Swordfighter.

Default Appearances

The default Mii Gunner used in marketing material does not have a set in stone appearance, with there being slight variations in her design between Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

In the fourth entry of the Super Smash Bros. series, the Mii Gunner had at the time a sticking resemblance with the default Female Mii that can be seen in Mii Makers if the player did not modify its Mii, as well as Guest F who is almost identical to the default female Mii but with her favorite color being pink. the Mii Gunner however has a different hair style, a different hair color and her favorite is orange.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

In the fifth entry of the Super Smash Bros. series, the Mii Gunner had the most modifications compared to its Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U counterpart, now having longer hair, different eyebrows, different hair color, different eye color, smaller nose, changing her favorite color yellow, and having a smile accentuating her fighter stature.

Special moves

Neutral specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Charge Blast A straight plasma shot. Charge it for extra firepower. Fires a straight plasma shot. Can be charged for extra firepower
Laser Blaze A rapid-fire laser beam that will do damage but won't make foes flinch. Fires an energy shot ahead. The rate of fire is slow, but it makes opponents flinch.
Grenade Launch A grenade thrown in an arc that explodes on impact. Fires out a small bomb that travels in a curve. It explodes after a bit when it hits a foe.

Side specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Flame Pillar Fire a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact Fires a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact.
Stealth Burst A stealthy shot that explodes when you release the button Fires an exploding shot that is difficult to see. Letting go of the button causes the shot to explode.
Gunner Missile Fires a guided missile. Alternatively, enter the move like a smash attack for a super missile Fires a guided missile. Flicking rather than tilting the stick fires a super missile!

Up specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Lunar Launch Shoot downward, and the recoil will rocket you into the air. Shoots downward, rocketing into the air from the recoil.
Cannon Uppercut (SSB4)
Cannon Jump Kick (Ultimate)
An uppercut powered by a downward blast that can dunk airborne foes. Rises up with a jet boost. Has a meteor effect if airborne opponent is hit.
Arm Rocket Take to the sky using jet propulsion. The direction of flight can be adjusted left or right. Skyrocket using jet propulsion. Tilting left or right can adjust the flight angle.

Down specials

Move Smash 4 in-game description Smash Ultimate in-game description
Echo Reflector Reflects enemy projectiles, sending them back even stronger than they were before. Reflects enemy projectiles, sending them back even stronger than they were before.
Bomb Drop A thrown bomb that rolls a short distance on the ground. Rolls a bomb forward. It detonates after a short while or by triggering the move again.
Absorbing Vortex Sucks in enemy projectiles, forming a barrier that also heals your damage. Creates a barrier that pulls in enemy projectiles and weak explosions to heal damage.

Final Smash

Full Blast: Fires a powerful laser beam along with two smaller blasters that fire smaller lasers, which revolve around the main laser.

Other customization options


Like the other Mii Fighters, the Mii Gunner can be given one of 12 voices at one of 3 pitches in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


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Like other Mii Fighters, Mii Gunner can be given outfits and hats, with the outfits being exclusive to the Mii type.


Like other fighters in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, Mii Fighters can use Equipment. The Mii Gunner can use the gloves, jacket, boots, and badge types of equipment.