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Favorite color Blue
First appearance Nintendo Land
Last appearance Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Other appearances Wii Party U
Wii Sports Club
Mario Kart Tour
Internal ID 021
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Yunyun is one of the CPU Miis. She has appeared in Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U.

Game Appearances

Nintendo Land

Yunyun appears in the main plaza when Miiverse isn't connected.

Wii Party U

In Wii Party U, Yunyun is a Beginner difficulty Mii.

Mario Kart Tour

The name of Yunyun can appear as opponent names like other Wii Sports Club Miis. Since the Mii Tour in 2022, she is one of the default Mii drivers available to choose from.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Yunyun appears in the online play guide of Super Mario Bros. Wonder. In the guide, you can see the friend whose name is "Yunyun" and user icon is her Mii.