Find Mii II

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Release Dates
Find Mii II
Developer(s) Nintendo
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date(s) Japan December 2011
Europe December 2011
North America December 2011
Australia December 2011
Platform(s) Nintendo 3DS
Rating(s) ESRB: ESRB E.png - Everyone
PEGI: PEGI 3.png - Ages 3+
CERO: CERO A.png - All ages
Game chronology
Previous game
Find Mii
Next game
Mii Force
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Find Mii II (called StreetPass Quest II outside of North America) is the sequel to Find Mii, one of two sub-games alongside Puzzle Swap that the player begins with in StreetPass Mii Plaza. This sub-game, which was added on December 6, 2011, is unlocked once the player beats Find Mii twice. Like the original Find Mii, Find Mii II is a role-playing game in which heroes can be recruited with Play Coins to traverse rooms and defeat the monsters therein. However, this sub-game incorporates additional gameplay elements for added strategy and player interactivity; these elements include the ability to perform Combo Attacks, buy potions, and choose a path on the main map, among others. Moreover, completing Find Mii II unlocks a secret quest with more powerful enemies, 16 extra rooms, and more hats that can be worn by the Miis in the player's plaza. While some hats in Find Mii II can only be obtained through the secret quest, others require two or three playthroughs of the main quest. To earn every hat in the sub-game, the player must complete the main quest a minimum of three times and the secret quest a minimum of ten times. Find Mii II also incorporates the ability to hire old allies. One ally costs 2 Play Coins plus their level from 1 to 7.


Find Mii II opens with the player's Mii, the monarch of their own kingdom, waking up to another busy day of ruling. The player's Mii then greets their children, the prince and princess, who are naturally indistinguishable aside from their hair. While the prince and princess have ambitions of helping local peasants and tutoring children, respectively, the three royals are suddenly caged and captured by a pair of yellow slimes. The monsters separate the royal family, keeping each member in a different location on the map. Once again, the monarch's trusty heroes must travel across a treacherous landscape to free the royals one by one.

The prince is the first royal the heroes come across in their journey. Once the foes guarding him are defeated, his cage is lowered and he is freed. The prince thanks the heroes and implores them to save his sister before wandering off, presumably back home.

The troop of heroes will eventually come across the princess. Upon being rescued, she commends the heroes' strength and asks them to save the "regal ruler", thereby restoring peace to the land.

Once the heroes arrive at the roof of the Castle of Darkness where the ruler is kept, they are forced to battle an armored archfiend who guards the cage. However, defeating this foe does not yet free the ruler, as they are seized by the Ultimate Ghost moments after escaping from their cage. Like in the original Find Mii, this event prompts a more difficult battle with the Ultimate Ghost, with the ruler in his grip. Also like in Find Mii, the Ultimate Ghost will dissolve upon being defeated. This allows the ruler to enjoy a moment of freedom before being grabbed from the sky by the Dark Lord (or the Dark Emperor in the secret quest), initiating the final battle sequence.

Defeating the Dark Lord/Emperor will cause it to disintegrate, finally bringing the ruler to safety and ending the heroes' arduous quest. The three royals are then seen in their home, once again thanking the heroes for saving both the kingdom and the world. The royal family commends the heroes, promising that their names will live on in legend.


Traversing the map

In Find Mii II, the player is able to choose between multiple paths at certain points on the map. While some rooms are mandatory to complete the sub-game, there are a total of three forks in the road in the main quest and nine in the secret quest, with some allowing the player to choose between three rooms instead of the normal two.

The main quest of Find Mii II includes one room, Ominous Shrine, that requires a bronze key to unlock, obtained after beating the sub-game twice. The secret quest includes two other unlockable paths. The first path, leading to Shrine of Judgement, is unlocked once the player obtains the silver key. Achieving the silver key requires the player to finish the main quest twice, completing both Diabolical Altar - Front and Shrine of Shadows - East. Finally, the gold key can be obtained if the player completes the secret quest twice. All three keys are required for 100% completion of Find Mii II, which involves the collection of every hat.


Find Mii II includes a wider variety of combat options than its predecessor, as listed below.

  • Attack: A hero will attack with their sword, damaging one enemy. This option allows for the possibility of a hero receiving an extra strike, or even landing a critical hit to deal more damage.
  • Magic: A hero will cast a particular spell depending on the color of their shirt, the effects of which apply to all enemies. Enemy shields can block some of the damage dealt by magic attacks, though a certain-colored shield will break if a hero with the same shirt color uses magic.
  • Create Team: A hero can join forces with the next one in line, allowing the two of them to perform attacks that can be used to deal greater amounts of damage or dispel gas.
    • Combo Attack: The team will attack with their swords, dealing a large amount of damage to one enemy and earning an extra hit.
    • Combo Magic: The team will attack with magic, dealing a large amount of damage to all enemies. Combo Magic can also be used to dispel enemy gas where necessary.
    • Change Team: The second member of a team will move to the back of the line, allowing the next hero in line to take their place. This option is useful for creating teams with similar or matching shirt colors.
  • Get Potion: A hero will spend Play Coins to purchase a potion that can benefit them in battle.
  • Return: A hero will return to the back of the line, giving their turn to the next hero in line.

The player is able to speed up the gameplay in Find Mii by holding the left or right shoulder buttons.


The different types of magic, their effects, and the compatibility of heroes' shirt colors are outlined in the table below.

Magic in Find Mii II  
Color Effect(s) Combo Magic Effects Similar colors
Red Damages all enemies. Blue Ghosts are especially vulnerable to red magic while Blood Ghosts are immune to it. Creates a firestorm that dispels frost magic or deals a significant amount of damage to all enemies. Orange, yellow, pink
Orange Allows the next heroes in line to land an extra hit with a melee attack. Allows the next heroes in line to land two extra hits with a melee attack. Red, yellow, brown
Yellow Decreases the accuracy of the heroes' melee attacks and the enemies' attacks. Creates a ferocious sandstorm that dispels poison gas or deals a significant amount of damage to all enemies. Red, orange, light green
Light green Temporarily puts enemies to sleep, allowing heroes to attack more often. Yellow, green
Green Doubles the level of the next hero (to a maximum of 7). Increases the level of the next hero to 7. Light green, blue
Blue Deals damage to all enemies. Blood Ghosts are particularly vulnerable to blue magic while Blue Ghosts are immune. Summons turbulent torrents of water that dispel fire magic or deal a significant amount of damage to all enemies. Green, light blue, purple
Light blue Immobilizes enemies, allowing heroes to land multiple extra hits with melee attacks. Blue, pink
Pink Ensures that the next heroes in line land critical hits with melee attacks, though their overall accuracy is reduced. Guarantees critical hits for melee attacks with no loss of accuracy. Red, light blue, purple
Purple Poisons all enemies, causing them to take 1 HP of poison damage every turn. Poisons all enemies, causing them to take 2 HP of poison damage every turn. Red, blue, pink
Brown Summons a wandering hero with a random shirt color in the place of the one who cast the spell. This hero, who takes the form of an anthropomorphic rabbit, is either the same level as the previous hero or one level lower. Summons a hero whose level is equal to that of the team. Orange, black
White Illuminates a room, damaging enemies and dealing twice as much damage to reapers. Allows enemies to be revealed in a dark room. Black
Black Darkens a room, damaging enemies and dealing twice as much damage to golems. Allows enemies to be revealed in a room filled with dazzling light. Brown, white


To supplement combat, potions with varying effects can be purchased with Play Coins. Using a potion takes up one turn.

Name Cost Effect
Vial of Valor 8 Play Coins Summons up to three heroes who have already used their turns.
Power Potion 20 Play Coins Increases the level of all hero's (to a maximum of 7) for the room the potion was used in.
Dispelling Draft 2 Play Coins Disperses gas spewed by enemies.
Bottled Barrier 2 Play Coins Wards off enemy magic.

Gas and enemy magic

The following table lists the types of gas and enemy magic that can be encountered in Find Mii II. Note that some of the names given are conjectural.

Gas and enemy magic in Find Mii II  
Name Effect User(s) Counter
Fire magic Causes heroes to turn back and lose their turns. Blue Combo Magic
Frost magic Causes heroes to turn back and lose their turns. Red Combo Magic
Poison gas Causes heroes to turn back and lose their turns. Yellow Combo Magic
Darkness Causes heroes to turn back and lose their turns. White Combo Magic
Dazzling light Causes heroes to turn back and lose their turns. Black Combo Magic
Barrier gas Prevents heroes from using magic.
  • Reaper captain
Dispelling Draft
Curse gas Decreases the likelihood of melee and magic attacks hitting.
  • Reaper cadet
  • Reaper commander
Dispelling Draft
Mirage magic Creates an identical decoy of an enemy. If a hero attacks the decoy, they will lose their turn while the enemy remains unharmed.
  • Blue ghost
Bottled Barrier
Healing magic Allows damaged enemies to gain health.
  • Blue slime
  • Roaming mummy
  • Reaper commander
Bottled Barrier
Reviving magic Revives a defeated enemy.
  • Reaper commander
Bottled Barrier
Fortifying magic Increases an enemy's defense, thereby reducing the amount of damage that heroes can inflict upon it.
  • Diamond golem
  • Armored archfiend
Dispelling Draft
Level-down gas Decreases the level of each hero, reducing the amount of damage they can inflict.
  • Ultimate Ghost
  • Dark Lord
  • Dark Emperor

Helper Hare

Helper Hare is unlocked upon completion of Find Mii II's secret quest. Helper Hare appears in already completed rooms where a particular type of magic is required to progress, and will give the player the option to hire either one or two wandering heroes with specified shirt colors. Hiring one wandering hero costs 2 Play Coins, while hiring two heroes costs 4 Play Coins. This function is useful in reducing the number of heroes wasted in combat. Helper Hare's functionality can be toggled on or off at the start screen of the sub-game.


Listed in the table below are the rooms in the main quest and secret quest of Find Mii II, respectively. Because the player can largely choose their own path in this sub-game, the order in which the rooms are listed does not entirely reflect the order in which they are unlocked in-game.

Rooms in Find Mii II  
Name Enemies Treasures Notes
Perilous Prairie - Entrance
  • Yellow slime
  • Yoshi Hat (first playthrough)
  • Peach's Crown (second playthrough)
  • Boo Hat (third playthrough)
Perilous Prairie - Exit
  • Yellow slime (×2)
Completing this room allows the player to choose to go either to Bewitching Bog - West or Ransacked Ruins - West.
Bewitching Bog - West
  • Blue slime
Bewitching Bog - East
  • Blue slime
  • Yellow slime
  • Top Hat (first playthrough)
Completion of this level unlocks Restless Rise - South.
Ransacked Ruins - West
  • Shambling mummy
Ransacked Ruins - East
  • Shambling mummy
  • Yellow slime
  • Pirate Hat (first playthrough)
The slime in this room carries a yellow shield that can only be broken with yellow magic.
Restless Rise - South
  • Blue ghost
  • Arwing Hat (first playthrough)
  • Triforce Hat (second playthrough)
  • Fox Hat (third playthrough)
Restless Rise - North
  • Armored ghost
The prince is rescued upon completion of this room. Completing this room also allows the player to choose to go either to Mount Malice - West, Forest of Sorrow - Entrance, or Diabolical Altar - West.
Mount Malice - West
  • Granite golem
Mount Malice - East
  • Pink slime
  • Cheeseburger Hat (first playthrough)
Diabolical Altar - West
  • Shambling mummy
  • Ghost
The ghost in this room carries a shadowlight shield that can only be broken if a white-clad hero and a black-clad hero perform Combo Magic.
Diabolical Altar - East
  • Armored ghost
  • Roaming mummy
  • Ninja Hood (first playthrough)
  • Soccer Ball Hat (second playthrough)
This room is filled with dazzling light, and requires a black-clad hero to reveal the enemies. If the bronze key has been collected prior to this room's completion, the heroes will unlock Ominous Shrine; if not, they will proceed to Forest of Sorrow - Entrance.
Forest of Sorrow - Entrance
  • Armored Demon
Forest of Sorrow - Exit
  • Reaper cadet
  • Floral Hat (first playthrough)
This room is covered in poison gas. To reveal the enemies, two yellow-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic. Completion of this level unlocks Castle of Darkness - Entrance.
Ominous Shrine
  • Golden golem
  • Shy Guy Mask (first playthrough)
This room is unlocked if the player has obtained the bronze key.
Castle of Darkness - Entrance
  • Iron golem
The princess is rescued upon completion of this room.
Castle of Darkness - Courtyard
  • Roaming mummy
  • Marauding mummy
  • Epona's Hat (first playthrough)
  • Cake Hat (second playthrough)
  • Pizza Hat (third playthrough)
Castle of Darkness - Throne Room
  • Armored demon
  • Reaper captain
  • Donkey Kong Hat (first playthrough)
  • Beehive Wig (second playthrough)
  • Red Ribbon (third playthrough)
This room is covered in fire magic. To reveal the enemies, two blue-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Castle of Darkness - Roof
  • Armored archfiend
  • Ultimate Ghost
  • Dark Lord
  • Prince's Hat (first playthrough)
  • Wario's Cap (second playthrough)
  • Bronze key (second playthrough)
  • Dark Lord Helmet (third playthrough)
The monsters in this room are fought one after the other rather than all at once. Defeating the Dark Lord completes the sub-game.
Rooms in Find Mii II  
Name Enemies Treasures Notes
Perilous Prairie - Entrance
  • Yellow slime (×2)
  • Warp Pipe Hat (first playthrough)
  • Daisy's Crown (second playthrough)
  • Yellow Yoshi Hat (third playthrough)
Perilous Prairie - Exit
  • Yellow slime
  • Ghost
The ghost in this room carries a yellow shield that can only be broken with yellow magic. If the silver key has been collected prior to this room's completion, the heroes will unlock Shrine of Judgement; if not, they will proceed to Ransacked Ruins.
Bewitching Bog - West
  • Ghost
  • Yellow slime
The ghost in this room carries a light blue shield that can only be broken with light blue magic.
Bewitching Bog - East
  • Blue ghost
Ransacked Ruins - West
  • Shambling mummy
  • Roaming mummy
  • Panda Hat (first playthrough)
  • Samurai Wig (second playthrough)
The shambling mummy in this room carries a yellow shield that can only be broken with yellow magic.
Ransacked Ruins - East
  • Marauding mummy
Shrine of Judgement
  • Iron golem
  • ? Block Hat (first playthrough)
  • Chomp Hat (second playthrough)
  • Barbara the Bat Wig (third playthrough)
This room is unlocked if the player has obtained the silver key. The room is also covered in fire magic. To reveal the enemies, two blue-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Merciless Mountain - West
  • Blood ghost
  • Tomato Hat (first playthrough)
  • Chef's Hat (second playthrough)
Merciless Mountain - East
  • Granite golem
If the heroes proceed to this room, the prince is rescued upon its completion.
Restless Rise - South
  • Armored ghost
  • Ice Cream Hat (first playthrough)
  • Straw Hat (second playthrough)
Restless Rise - North
  • Armored demon
If the heroes proceed to this room, the prince is rescued upon its completion. If the silver key has been collected prior to this room's completion, the heroes will unlock Shrine of Judgement; if not, they will proceed to Ransacked Ruins.
Dolorous Deepwood - West
  • Armored demon
  • Lacy Headband (first playthrough)
  • Tony Top Hat (second playthrough)
This room is covered in poison gas. To reveal the enemies, two yellow-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Dolorous Deepwood - North
  • Reaper captain
If the heroes proceed to this room, the prince is rescued upon its completion.
Dolorous Deepwood - South
  • Reaper captain
  • Armored ghost
Dolorous Deepwood - East
  • Reaper commander
If the heroes proceed to this room, the prince is rescued upon its completion.
Forest of Fright - Entrance
  • Reaper cadet
Forest of Fright - Exit
  • Green slime
  • Penguin Hat (first playthrough)
  • Hibiscus (second playthrough)
Swamp of Sacrifice
  • Green slime
The slime in this room carries a light blue shield that can only be broken with light blue magic.
Diabolical Altar - Front
  • Rampaging mummy
  • Silver key (second playthrough)
Diabolical Altar - West
  • Roaming mummy
  • Marauding mummy
Diabolical Altar - East
  • Rampaging mummy
  • Blooper Hat (first playthrough)
  • Hatchet Hat (second playthrough)
Perilous Peak - West
  • Blood ghost
  • Sunflower (first playthrough)
  • Pink Yoshi Hat (second playthrough)
Perilous Peak - East
  • Pink slime
Shrine of Shadows - West
  • Reaper cadet
  • Blue slime
The slime in this room carries a shadowlight shield that can only be broken if a white-clad hero and a black-clad hero perform Combo Magic.
Shrine of Shadows - East
  • Marauding mummy (×2)
  • Bear Hat (first playthrough)
  • Light Blue Yoshi Hat (second playthrough)
Mount Malice - West
  • Iron golem
This room is covered in fire magic. To reveal the enemies, two blue-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Mount Malice - East
  • Pink slime
  • Hot Dog Hat (first playthrough)
  • Ramen Hat (second playthrough)
Forest of Sorrow - Entrance
  • Green slime (×2)
One of the slimes in this room carries a shadowlight shield that can only be broken if a white-clad hero and a black-clad hero perform Combo Magic.
Forest of Sorrow - Exit
  • Armored demon
  • Reaper captain
  • Football Helmet (first playthrough)
  • Swimming Cap (second playthrough)
This room is covered in poison gas. To reveal the enemies, two yellow-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Ominous Shrine
  • Golden golem
This room is covered in frost magic. To reveal the enemies, two red-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Sealed Passage
  • Reaper general
  • Marauding mummy
  • 3DS Hat (first playthrough)
  • NES Hat (second playthrough)
  • Famicom Hat (third playthrough)
Castle of Darkness - Entrance
  • Diamond golem
The princess is rescued upon completion of this room.
Castle of Darkness - Courtyard
  • Reaper captain
  • Marauding mummy
This room is covered in frost magic. To reveal the enemies, two red-clad heroes must perform Combo Magic.
Castle of Darkness - Throne Room
  • Reaper commander
  • Armored demon
  • Piranha Plant Hat (first playthrough)
  • Magic Hat (second playthrough)
  • Devil Horns (third playthrough)
This room is shrouded in darkness. A white-clad hero is required to reveal the enemies.
Castle of Darkness - Roof
  • Armored archfiend
  • Ultimate Ghost
  • Dark Emperor
  • Princess's Crown (first playthrough)
  • Golden key (first playthrough)
  • Waluigi's Cap (second playthrough)
  • Dark Emperor Helmet (third playthrough)
The monsters in this room are fought one after the other rather than all at once. Defeating the Dark Emperor, who is essentially a stronger version of the Dark Lord, completes the sub-game. Upon completion of the secret quest, the player unlocks the Helper Hare.


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Listed in the table below are the enemies that appear in the main quest and secret quest of Find Mii II, respectively.

Enemies in Find Mii II  
Image Name Health Characteristics Appearances
Needed.png Yellow slime 10 HP
  • Vulnerable to yellow magic
  • Perilous Prairie - Entrance
  • Perilous Prairie - Exit
  • Bewitching Bog - East
  • Ransacked Ruins - East
Needed.png Blue slime 25 HP
  • Can use healing magic
  • Has a higher chance of dodging attacks
  • Vulnerable to yellow magic
  • Bewitching Bog - West
  • Bewitching Bog - East
Needed.png Shambling mummy 15 HP
  • May scare the first hero in line away
  • Red magic does twice as much damage
  • Ransacked Ruins - West
  • Ransacked Ruins - East
  • Diabolical Altar - West
Needed.png Blue ghost 25 HP
  • Invulnerable to blue magic
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Can use mirage magic
  • Restless Rise - South
Needed.png Armored ghost 10 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 1
  • Cannot be damaged by level 1 heroes' melee attacks
  • Restless Rise - North
  • Diabolical Altar - East
Needed.png Granite golem 25 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Mount Malice - West
Needed.png Pink slime 50 HP
  • Must be defeated in four turns
  • Vulnerable to yellow magic
  • Mount Malice - East
Needed.png Ghost 7 HP
  • Diabolical Altar - West
Needed.png Roaming mummy 30 HP
  • Can use healing magic
  • May scare the first hero in line away
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Diabolical Altar - East
  • Castle of Darkness - Courtyard
Needed.png Reaper cadet 30 HP
  • Uses curse gas
  • Vulnerable to white magic
  • Forest of Sorrow - Exit
Needed.png Golden golem 65 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Ominous Shrine
Needed.png Iron golem 45 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Castle of Darkness - Entrance
Needed.png Marauding mummy 35 HP
  • May scare the first hero in line away
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Courtyard
Needed.png Reaper captain 45 HP
  • Uses barrier gas
  • Reduces melee and magic attack damage by 1
  • Vulnerable to white magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Throne Room
Needed.png Armored archfiend 60 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 1
  • Uses fortifying magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Roof
Needed.png Ultimate Ghost 150 HP
  • Uses level-warding gas
  • Will scare the first hero in line away
  • Invulnerable to orange and pink magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Roof
Needed.png Dark Lord 200 HP
  • Uses level-warding gas
  • Invulnerable to light green, light blue, and purple magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Roof
Enemies in Find Mii II  
Image Name Health Characteristics Appearances
Needed.png Yellow slime 10 HP
  • Vulnerable to yellow magic
  • Perilous Prairie - Entrance
  • Perilous Prairie - Exit
  • Bewitching Bog - West
Needed.png Ghost 7 HP
  • Perilous Prairie - Exit
  • Bewitching Bog - West
Needed.png Blue ghost 25 HP
  • Invulnerable to blue magic
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Can use mirage magic
  • Bewitching Bog - East
Needed.png Shambling mummy 15 HP
  • May scare the first hero in line away
  • Red magic does twice as much damage
  • Ransacked Ruins - West
Needed.png Roaming mummy 30 HP
  • Can use healing magic
  • May scare the first hero in line away
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Ransacked Ruins - West
  • Diabolical Altar - West
Needed.png Marauding mummy 35 HP
  • May scare the first hero in line away
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Ransacked Ruins - East
  • Diabolical Altar - West
  • Shrine of Shadows - East
  • Sealed Passage
  • Castle of Darkness - Courtyard
Needed.png Iron golem 45 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Shrine of Judgement
  • Mount Malice - West
SMP Find Mii Blood Ghost screenshot.png Blood ghost 50 HP
  • Invulnerable to red magic
  • Vulnerable to blue magic
  • Merciless Mountain - West
  • Perilous Peak - West
Needed.png Granite golem 25 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Merciless Mountain - East
Needed.png Armored ghost 10 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 1
  • Cannot be damaged by level 1 heroes' melee attacks
  • Restless Rise - South
  • Dolorous Deepwood - South
Needed.png Armored demon 25 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 1
  • Cannot be damaged by level 1 heroes' melee attacks
  • Restless Rise - North
  • Dolorous Deepwood - West
  • Forest of Sorrow - Exit
  • Castle of Darkness - Throne Room
Needed.png Reaper captain 45 HP
  • Uses barrier gas
  • Reduces melee and magic attack damage by 1
  • Vulnerable to white magic
  • Dolorous Deepwood - North
  • Dolorous Deepwood - South
  • Forest of Sorrow - Exit
  • Castle of Darkness - Courtyard
Needed.png Reaper commander 60 HP
  • Uses curse gas
  • Reduces melee and magic attack damage by 1
  • Dolorous Deepwood - East
  • Castle of Darkness - Throne Room
Needed.png Reaper cadet 30 HP
  • Uses curse gas
  • Vulnerable to white magic
  • Forest of Fright - Entrance
  • Shrine of Shadows - West
Needed.png Green slime 3 HP
  • Dodges most melee and magic attacks
  • Light green and light blue magic are always effective against it
  • Forest of Fright - Exit
  • Swamp of Sacrifice
  • Forest of Sorrow - Entrance
Needed.png Rampaging mummy 60 HP
  • Will scare the first hero in line away
  • Vulnerable to red magic
  • Diabolical Altar - Front
  • Diabolical Altar - East
Needed.png Pink slime 50 HP
  • Must be defeated in four turns
  • Vulnerable to yellow magic
  • Mount Malice - East
Needed.png Blue slime 25 HP
  • Can use healing magic
  • Has a higher chance of dodging attacks
  • Vulnerable to yellow magic
  • Shrine of Shadows - West
Needed.png Golden golem 65 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Ominous Shrine
Needed.png Reaper general 75 HP
  • Can use reviving magic
  • Reduces melee and magic attack damage by 2
  • Sealed Passage
Needed.png Diamond golem 85 HP
  • Uses fortifying magic
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 2
  • Vulnerable to black magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Entrance
Needed.png Armored archfiend 60 HP
  • Reduces melee attack damage by 1
  • Uses fortifying magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Roof
Needed.png Ultimate Ghost 150 HP
  • Uses level-warding gas
  • Will scare the first hero in line away
  • Invulnerable to orange and pink magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Roof
Needed.png Dark Emperor 250 HP
  • Uses level-warding gas
  • Invulnerable to light green, light blue, and purple magic
  • Castle of Darkness - Roof