List of Breaking Newscasts in Tomodachi Life

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This is a list of the breaking newscasts in Tomodachi Life.

Buildings Unlocked

Headline Image Transcript Notes
Town Hall Now Open!
TL MiiNews TownHallNowOpen.jpg
Town Hall is now open on [Island]!

You can create new islanders and edit or view info on your current islanders.
There's so much other cool stuff to do there too, so be sure to check it out!

This is the first Mii News report in the game.
Contribute to the Cause!
TL MiiNews ContributeToTheCause.jpg
A piggy bank has been set up on the island near the fountain.

Islanders' donations can be used to make [Island] a better place!
All donations gathered from the islanders are given straight to [Island]'s owner.
[Player]'s look-alike is sure to use them to make the island a great place to live.
Donations are accepted only once a day. So don't forget to visit the fountain!
In addition, various events will be held at the fountain after donations have been collected.

Clothing Now Open!
TL MiiNews ClothingNowOpen.jpg
The long awaited clothing shop has opened on [Island].

A variety of clothes are available at the shop. From casual to formal wear.
So why not drop in and pick up something stylish now?
[Mii], who is a professional window-shopper, was quite excited. [He/She] had this to say:
"I just know this is where all the the latest trends are going to start out."
New clothing is displayed in the shop daily. So we recommend you check it out often!

Hats Now Open!
TL MiiNews HatsNowOpen.jpg
The long-awaited hat shop has opened on [Island]!

[Mii], who was in line before the doors opened, gave a glowing smile and had this to say:
"I was never all that into hats before, but when I saw how well the ones here fit me, I just couldn't resist."
Whether you're a hat fanatic or not, why not visit the hat shop and take a look around?
New hats are on display every day, so make sure you don't miss the latest in headwear!

Interiors Now Open!
TL MiiNews InteriorsNowOpen.jpg
The new interiors shop has had its grand opening, answering the wishes of many islanders!

Customers should be able to find any kind of home interior they want here.
The shop has a range of interior styles to answer many complaints that living in the same old home is too boring.
New interiors are on display every day, so get over there and check out the goods!

Pawn Shop Now Open!
TL MiiNews PawnShopNowOpen.jpg
It's what everybody's been waiting for! The pawn shop is now open on [Island].

If you have items you don't need, or too much of the same thing, just take it all down to the pawn shop.
If you're in need of cash, it might be a good idea to stop by!
You might be surprised at how much you can get for some of your things!

Concert Hall Now Open!
TL MiiNews ConcertHallOpen.jpg
The concert hall has finally opened on [Island].

It comes in response for a spot where islanders can sing their hearts out.
Islanders can perform their favorite songs they've received as presents from [Player]'s look-alike.
Everyone can get a taste of being a professional singer at the hall, which will even provide backup dancers!
Anyone who wants to be a singer or even just let off steam is invited to try it out.
The concert hall can be accessed from the map screen.
But because so many islanders love singing, there is also a ♪ icon in their apartments for direct access.

Compatibility Tester Now Open!
TL MiiNews CompatibilityTesterNowOpen.jpg
The island's long awaited compatibility tester is up and running!

Compatibility scientists have developed a special computer that predicts the compatibility between two islanders.
Miis of the same gender can check their friendship rating, while guys and gals can get a romance rating.
The forecast option gives you the expected highs and lows between two islanders for the coming week.
Only islanders with a full birthday set in their profile can get tested. So get on it!
Compatibility tester results are for entertainment purposes only.

Check Out the Rankings Board!
TL MiiNews CheckOutTheRankingsBoard.jpg
There's a new rankings board on the island, and it promises to track all aspects of island life.

The board displays how all the islanders are doing each day.
[Mii], who put up the board, said enthusiastically,
"I'd like to post all kinds of ranking info on this board from now on."

Welcome to Mii News!
TL MiiNews WelcomeToMiiNews.jpg
Good day to all [Island] Islanders!

Welcome to the first daily edition of Mii News. This will be a regular feature from now on!
We'll be the first to inform you of events occurring in the greater [Island] area.
Every day, we'll bring you the latest news both morning and night at 7 o'clock. So don't miss it!

Photo Studio Now Open!
TL MiiNews PhotoStudioNowOpen.jpg
If you love photos, you're gonna love this. The photo studio has opened its shutters on [Island]!

You can take pair or group photos in the photo studio.
You can even get all of the islanders together for one big group shot!
Bring friends and family together, and head over to the studio today!
All photos taken are saved to the SD card.
Of course, it's nice to look at photos in the studio, but why not check them out on your home computer too?

Import Wear Now Open!
TL MiiNews ImportWearNowOpen.jpg
An import wear shop specializing in imported items has opened on [Island].

This shop is home to all the import items that have been brought in from other islands via StreetPass.
You can find some really cool stuff here that isn't available in other shops.
If you want to stay ahead of your neighbors, maybe you should stop by and check it out!

Leisure Island Opens
TL MiiNews LeisureIslandOpens.jpg
It took five years to build, but the theme park known as Leisure Island is now open.

Leisure Island is a dynamic amusement park with rides, cafes, shops, and other colorful attractions.
[Mii], the mastermind behind Leisure Island, had this to say about the grand opening:
"We took all the best parts from various other theme parks, so it should knock your socks off."
A very confident promise indeed.
However, some attractions are guaranteed to draw large crowds on weekends and holidays.

Observation Tower Now Open!
TL MiiNews ObservationTowerNowOpen.jpg
An observation tower has been constructed on [Island] and is now open for business.

This tower was built on the highest spot on the island and offers views that will take your breath away.
On the day of its opening, [Mii] had this to say:
"The wind feels so great up here. I could sit on this tower forever and just stare out to sea."
[He/She] looked on top of the world.

Exclusive to the western and Korean versions.
Mii Homes Now Open!
TL MiiNews MiiHomesNowOpen.jpg
Construction on the Mii Homes area has finally wrapped up on [Island].

Newlywed couples can move into new homes that are built in this cozy spot on the island.
We hope it becomes a lively place where lots of happy families grow and have fun!

Port Now Open!
TL MiiNews PortNowOpen.jpg
The port has opened. The new facility will serve as [Island]'s gateway to the rest of the world.

You can receive import items or travelers from other islands at the port.
It's also a great way for adventurous folks to leave [Island] and explore the world.
New adventures! New faces! Wonderful things can happen at the port.
[Island] is bound to be more full of life now than ever before!

Campground Now Open! [Island]'s first traveler has left the island.

To commemorate the occasion, a campground has opened for travelers to use while they are visiting.
Up to 10 tents can be pitched at the campground.
When visiting travelers have their tents set up, you can go over and give them a warm welcome.
Also, if they look like they have any problems, why not help them out?
Making weary travelers feel welcome is an important duty for every islander.

Appears if you send out a traveler via StreetPass first.
Campground Now Open for Travelers!
TL MiiNews CampgroundNowOpenForTravelers.jpg
The first travelers have finally arrived on [Island].

The campground is now open to give them a pleasant place to stay.
Up to 10 tents can be pitched at the campground.
When travelers have their tents set up, you can go over and give them a warm welcome.
And if they look like they have any problems, why not help them out?
Making road-weary travelers feel welcome is an important duty for every islander.

Appears if you receive a traveler via StreetPass first.
Nintendo 3DS Image Share Is Here!
TL MiiNews ImageShareIsHere.jpg
Nintendo 3DS Image Share is now available on [Island] thanks to [Player]'s look-alike.

Nintendo 3DS Image Share lets you share photos taken in-game.
It's a tool you can use to post images to social-network services.
You can now use this tool while playing Tomodachi Life!
Use the seaplane to open the Internet browser and go straight to the Nintendo 3DS Image Share site.
[Mii] had this to say: "I'm going to show the world just how cool [Island] really is!"
To return to your island after posting a photo, press the HOME button to resume playing Tomodachi Life.

Exclusive to the western and Korean versions.

Mii Apartments Expansion

Headline Image Transcript Notes
Apartment-Building Expansion!
TL MiiNews ApartmentBuildingExpansion.jpg
In the blink of an eye, the apartment-building expansion has been completed.

With so many islanders moving in, fewer and fewer living spaces were available.
So the building was expanded to include 48 apartments.
One islander named [Mii] said, "I didn't even know construction was going on."

Problem Solving Milestones

Headline Image Transcript Notes
100 Mii Problems Solved!
TL MiiNews 100MiiProblemsSolved.jpg
We have some wonderful news.

[Player]'s look-alike has solved many Mii problems on [Island].
In fact, the number of problems solved has finally reached 100!
At this very moment, an appreciation ceremony is being held at the [Island] Center.
Let's take a look.
As the island's spokesperson, I would like to say thank you to [Player]'s look-alike.
You solved 100 problems on [Island].
As a token of our thanks, please accept this certificate of our appreciation.

200 Mii Problems Solved!
TL Mii News 200 problems solved.jpg
We have some stupendous news.

[Player]'s look-alike has solved 200 islander problems.
At this very moment, an appreciation ceremony is being held at the [Island] Center.
Let's take a look.
As the island's spokesperson, I would like to say thank you to [Player]'s look-alike.
You solved 200 problems on [Island].
As a reward for your efforts, please accept this bronze trophy.

This adds the bronze trophy treasure to the player's collection.
400 Mii Problems Solved!
TL Mii News 400 problems solved.jpg
We have some amazing news!

[Player]'s look-alike has solved 400 islander problems.
At this very moment, an appreciation ceremony is being held at the [Island] Center.
Let's take a look.
As the island's spokesperson, I would like to say thank you to [Player]'s look-alike.
You solved an amazing 400 problems on [Island].
Please accept this silver trophy as a reward for all your hard work.

This adds the silver trophy treasure to the player's collection.
700 Mii Problems Solved!
TL Mii News 700 problems solved.jpg
We have some glorious news.

[Player]'s look-alike has solved 700 islander problems.
At this very moment, an appreciation ceremony is being held at the [Island] Center.
Let's take a look.
As the island's spokesperson, I'd like to say thank you from all of us, [Player]'s look-alike.
You solved a staggering 700 problems on [Island].
Please accept this gold trophy as a reward for your amazing dedication.

This adds the gold trophy treasure to the player's collection.
1,000 Mii Problems Solved!
TL MiiNews 1000MiiProblemsSolved.jpg
We have historic news.

[Player]'s look-alike has solved many islander problems on [Island].
And the number of problems solved has finally reached a staggering 1,000.
Just now, an appreciation ceremony started at [Player]'s Look-Alike Hall.
Let's check in!
As the island's spokesperson, I'd like to say congratulations and thank you, [Player]'s look-alike!
You solved an unbelievable 1,000 problems on [Island].
Please accept this platinum trophy as a reward for your incredible service.
We don't actually have any more awards left, but we can still hold ceremonies for you in the future.
So, you know...keep looking after us!

This adds the platinum trophy treasure to the player's collection.

Rankings Unlocked

Headline Image Transcript Notes
Popularity Ranking Announced!
TL MiiNews PopularityRankingAnnounced.jpg
Popularity ranking has been added to the rankings board.

On [Island], all islanders are important. But who is the most popular?
Of all the islanders who couldn't wait to find out, [Mii] commented with conviction, saying,
"I'm going to make more friends than anybody else! First place belongs to me!"
The results are always changing, so check regularly to find out who is actually in the top spot.

Boy Charm Ranking Announced!
TL MiiNews BoyCharmRankingAnnounced.jpg
Boy Charm Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

Who's the hunkiest hunk on [Island]?
[Mii] just had to find out and talked to all of the islanders.
The stunning results are posted on the rankings board.
The list is updated daily, so check it often to see how all the guys place!

Girl Charm Ranking Announced!
TL MiiNews GirlCharmRankingAnnounced.jpg
Girl Charm Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

[Island] residents can now check to see which girls have the most charm.
A female islander, who wants to remain anonymous, wrote a note asking folks to "not post that kind of thing."
However, when she found out she was at the top of the list, she quickly changed her tune.
The ranking changes daily, so anybody wanting to know which ladies have the most charm should check it regularly.

Pampered Ranking Announced!
TL MiiNews PamperedRankingAnnounced.jpg
Pampered Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

When all is said and done, who does [Player]'s look-alike like best?
Every [Island] islander is dying to know!
[Mii] was worried that [he/she] wasn't that well liked, but [he/she] had to find out.
[He/She] analyzed [Player]'s look-alike's behavior and presented the results to the public.
The results are always changing, so check regularly to find out who is the most pampered pet around.

Friendship Ranking Announced!
TL Mii News Friendship ranking.jpg
Friendship Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

Friendship Ranking displays 100 pairings calculated by the Compatibility Tester.
We're sure that everyone on this island is pretty friendly, but some may want to know who'd make the best friends.
The results are always changing, so be sure to check the board regularly.

Romance Ranking Announced!
TL Mii News Romance ranking.jpg
Romance Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

One hundred pairs of potential lovebirds are displayed based on their Compatibility Tester results.
Who are the most lovey dovey on the island? There's only one way to find out!
The results are always changing, so check regularly to see if romance is really in the air!

Island Ranking Announced!
TL MiiNews IslandRankingAnnounced.jpg
Island Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

Is this island more comfortable to live on than other islands? You might have wondered.
Surveys were taken from islands you've had contact with, and the results are up on the rankings board.
So where does [Island] stand? There's only one way to find out!
The results may change often, so be sure to check regularly.

Traveler Ranking Announced!
TL MiiNews TravelerRankingAnnounced.jpg
Traveler Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

All kinds of travelers have come and gone on [Island].
This ranking will announce who has visited the most islands.
When you see the rankings, think back and remember the faces of those travelers. How long have they been on the road?
The results change regularly, so be sure to check often.

Splurge Ranking Announced!
TL Mii News Splurge ranking.jpg
Splurge Ranking has been added to the rankings board.

[Mii] said [he/she] felt that [Player]'s look-alike has given [him/her] fewer presents recently.
[He/She] started to wonder who [Player]'s look-alike spends all that money on.
[He/She] decided to ask all islanders how much money had been spent on them.
So which Mii on [Island] uses up the most money? It might be someone very unexpected...
These results are always changing, so be sure to check in often.

Population Milestones

Headline Image Transcript Notes
Island Population Reaches 10!
TL MiiNews IslandPopulationReaches10.jpg
The population on [Island] has reached 10.

To celebrate the occasion, a lively party was held in the island's hotel lobby.
Islander [Mii] said with a smile, "This island is starting to feel a little less lonely."

Island Population Reaches 30!
TL MiiNews IslandPopulationReaches30.jpg
The population on [Island] has reached 30.

To celebrate the occasion, a lively party was held in the main hall of the island's hotel.
Islander [Mii] said happily, "This island finally has a bit more life to it!"

Collection Milestones

Headline Image Transcript Notes
All Foods Collected!
TL MiiNews AllFoodsCollected.jpg
Here's some scrumptious news.

[Player]'s look-alike has purchased all food items.
[Player]'s look-alike has collected all of the hundreds of food items available.
Everyone on the island is really happy (and full) after eating so many different kinds of food.
Thanks, [Player]'s look-alike!

All Clothes Collected!
TL MiiNews AllClothesCollected.jpg
This is great news.

[Player]'s look-alike has purchased all clothing items.
[Player]'s look-alike has collected all of the hundreds of clothing items available.
Islanders received all kinds of clothes from [Player]'s look-alike and have become very fashion-conscious.
If you want to collect all colors of a certain item, use Local Play with friends and do some trading.

All Clothes Colors Collected!
TL MiiNews AllClothesColorsCollected.jpg
This is unbelievable news!

[Player]'s look-alike has collected all colors for all clothes.
[Player]'s look-alike has collected the thousands of different clothing color variations available.
No one can ever calculate how much effort went into this achievement, but we do know it wasn't easy.
Take a moment to think about how monumental a task this was!

All Hats Collected!
TL MiiNews AllHatsCollected.jpg
We have great news.

[Player]'s look-alike has purchased all available hats.
[Player]'s look-alike has collected all of the hundreds of hats that are available.
Islanders received all kinds of hats from [Player]'s look-alike and have become very fashion-conscious.
If you want to collect all colors of a certain item, use Local Play with friends and do some trading.

All Hat Colors Collected!
TL MiiNews AllHatColorsCollected.jpg
Unbelievable news!

[Player]'s look-alike has collected all colors for all hats.
[Player]'s look-alike has collected the thousands of different hat color variations available.
No one can ever calculate how much effort went into this achievement, but we do know it wasn't easy.
Take a moment to think about how monumental a task this was!

All Interiors Collected!
TL MiiNews AllInteriorsCollected.jpg
Tremendous news! [Player]'s look-alike has purchased all available interiors.

[Player]'s look-alike has collected all of the hundred or so apartment interiors available.
With some very pricey interiors out there, [Player]'s look-alike must have spent a lot of money.
The inhabitants of [Island] probably feel so spoiled!

All Treasures Collected!
TL MiiNews AllTreasuresCollected.jpg
We have some truly wonderful news.

[Player]'s look-alike has finally collected all available treasures.
[Player]'s look-alike has collected all of the hundreds of treasures that are available.
There were some very rare treasures among them, so [Player]'s look-alike must have had a tough time!
Everyone, let's give a round of applause to [Player]'s look-alike!

All Special Foods!
TL MiiNews AllSpecialFoodsCollected.jpg
We have wonderful news.

[Player]'s look-alike has collected all special food items!
[Player]'s look-alike has collected all special foods through trading with travelers.
There's no expressing how difficult a task this was.
If you're an inhabitant of this island, give [Player]'s look-alike a great big cheer!

Oddly, this is the only collection newscast where the player's Mii is pictured wearing their current hat.

Other Broadcasts

Headline Image Transcript Notes
Concert Hall Searching for New Group!
TL MiiNews ConcertHallSearchingForNewGroup.jpg
Because so many [Island] islanders love to sing, the concert hall is open for new sing-along groups.

Now islanders who know the same songs can form groups and perform together.
Professional singers, amateur singers, and people who just want to be onstage are encouraged to join in!
Why not form your own group and show off your singing talent?

Appears after giving more than one Mii the same type of song.
Quirky Questions Announced!
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Quirky Questions will be held at the observation tower.

In Quirky Questions, you can ask the islanders all kinds of things.
If you have something you want to ask, hold one of these sessions to find out the truth!

Judgement Bay Announced!
TL MiiNews JudgmentBayAnnounced.jpg
Here's some good news if you've got something on your mind: Judgment Bay will be held at the beach.

In Judgement Bay, islanders will vote on issues you've been mulling over.
If you're feeling indecisive about something you need to do, how about a vite to see what the best option is?
All islanders must participate in Judgment Bay and report to the beach whenever a vote is held.

Take Child Photos!
TL Mii News Take child photos.jpg
You can now take photos of babies and children at the photo studio.

You can take three-person parent-and-child photos or pictures of just the child.
This is a great opportunity for families with kids to capture a moment in their child's life, so come on down!

Appears once the first baby is born on the island.
Child Info Now Available!
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[Island] has given rise to its first independent child.

So now you can view Child Info for your island at Town Hall.
Feel free to drop by anytime and go through the family albums.
You can also check out your traveler's records and see where they've been.
You can see the various islands they've visited based on the letters they've sent back.
So there's no need to wonder or worry about what kinds of adventures these kids are having!

Quality of Life Announced!
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How happy do the islanders feel about living on [Island]?

[Mii] asked the islanders' opinions and presented the results to the public.
Quality of Life on the island is displayed on the map screen or in the office in the apartment building.
The Quality of Life value increases depending on how happy the islanders feel.
[Mii] said, "It would be great if that Quality of Life number keeps getting higher."
Nobody knows how it's calculated, but rumor is, the number reflects population and the islanders' levels.
The Quality of Life ranking changes regularly, so be sure to check it often!