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Assists are skills that randomly activate in battle in Miitopia, unlocked through high Relationship. They always involve at least two Party members. There are also similar skills used with the horse in the Nintendo Switch version. For those, see the horse page.

List of Assists

List of Assists 
Name Relationship
level learned
In-game description Activation condition Activation
Show Off 2 Impress your friend by doing extra damage to enemies. A Mii is about to attack 20% MT Show Off title.jpg
Warning 3 Call out to a friend to give them a chance to dodge an attack. A monster is about to attack a Mii 10% MT Warning title.jpg
Concern 4 Console a friend after they've taken a hit. "Where does it hurt?" A Mii has been attacked by a monster (they don't necessarily have to take damage) 10% MT Concern title.jpg
Praise 5 Shower a friend with compliments. "See! I knew you could do it!" A Mii has just attacked a monster 20% MT Praise title.jpg
Lend a Hand 6 Help a friend out with their next action and boost its effects. A Mii is about to attack 20% MT Lend a Hand title.jpg
Get Well Soon 7 Visit a friend in the Safe Spot to speed up their recovery. A Mii is spending their turn in the Safe Spot 20% MT Get Well Soon title.jpg
Charity 8 Give a snack to a friend when they don't have one on them. A computer-controlled Mii is out of HP Bananas or MP Candies and needs to recover HP or MP 50% MT Charity title.jpg
Avenge 9 When a friend falls, flare up in anger with a vengeful strike. A Mii gets KOed 50% MT Avenge title.jpg
Sacrifice 10 Take damage in place of a friend. "They won't lay a finger on you!" A Mii is about to take an attack capable of KOing them 20% MT Sacrifice title.jpg
Pincer 12 Attack in sync with a friend and hit from behind for great damage. A Mii is about to use their basic attack 20% MT Pincer title.jpg
Lend a Hand II 14 Increase the chance and effect of boosting a friend's action. A Mii is about to attack 20%
Share 16 Go halfsies on a snack with a friend when they don't have one on them. A computer-controlled Mii is out of HP Bananas or MP Candies and needs to recover HP or MP, and the giving Mii needs to recover the same stat 50% MT Share title.jpg
Last Wish 18 Heal a friend when you've fallen and they take a critical hit. One Mii is KOed and the other is about to take damage 20% MT Last Wish title.jpg
Avenge II 19 When a friend falls, land a heavy attack in the name of vengeance. A Mii gets KOed 50%
Resurgence 20 Gain the strength to get up again if a friend falls in battle. One Mii gets KOed while the other is already KOed 20% MT Resurgence title.jpg
Pincer II 22 Increase the chance and effect of a pincer attack. "On three!" A Mii using their basic attack 20%
Warning II 27 Increase the chance of a friend dodging an attack after a warning. A monster is about to attack a Mii 10%
Get Well Soon II 32 Increase the chance and effect of speeding up recovery in the Safe Spot. A Mii is spending their turn in the Safe Spot 20%
Show Off II 38 Really impress your friend by doing loads of damage to enemies. A Mii is using an attack 20%
Avenge III 44 When a friend falls, swear in the name of justice to fell the enemy. A Mii gets KOed 50%
Sacrifice II 52 Increase the chance and effect of taking a hit for a friend. A Mii is about to take damage capable of KOing them 20%
Show Off III 60 Seriously impress your friend by doing a ton of a damage to enemies. A Mii is using an attack 20%
Pincer III 68 Greatly increase the chance and effect of a pincer attack. "NOW!" A Mii is using their basic attack 20%
Sacrifice III 77 Greatly increase the chance and effect of taking a hit for a friend. A Mii is about to take damage capable of KOing them 20%
Get Well Soon III 87 Greatly increase the chance and effect of speeding up Safe Spot recovery. A Mii is spending their turn in the Safe Spot 20%
Lend a Hand III 99 Greatly increase the chance and effect of boosting a friend's action. A Mii is using an attack 20%


  • Get Well Soon, Lend a Hand, Pincer, and Sacrifice's higher level assists erroneously claim to increase the activation chance in their in-game descriptions.