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MT Mage artwork.png
Artwork of a Mage Mii
Deals stupendous damage, blasting away enemies with magical might.
— Miitopia job description

The Mage is a magic offense-based Job in Miitopia. It is one of the 6 starting jobs. Its basic attack is single-target.


Mage stats in Miitopia  
Stat Minimum Maximum
HP 10 184
MP 8 175
Attack* 7 46
Defense* 5 75
Magic* 6 194
Speed 10 96
All stats can be increased by 99 using Grub.
*can be increased with equipment


Mage skills in Miitopia  
Name Level learned MP cost In-game description Effect Image
Fire 2 4 Toast a single enemy with mystic fire (magic). Hits one enemy MT Fire title.jpg
Lightning 4 6 Zap an enemy with lightning. Also hits enemies on either side (magic). Hits the targeted enemy and adjacent enemies MT Lightning title.jpg
Sleep Tight 6 6 Make a friend doze off, recovering their HP as they sleep. (magic) Makes a teammate fall asleep to restore HP MT Sleep Tight title.jpg
Explosion 9 14 Invoke an explosion, sending all enemies up in flames. (magic) Hits all enemies MT Explosion title.jpg
Enlarge Weapon 11 6 Make a friend's weapon really big for one attack (auto, magic) Randomly makes a teammate's weapon larger for one attack. Makes it deal more damage, but only hit one enemy. MT Enlarge Weapon title.jpg
Mega Fire 14 15 Char-grill a single enemy with searing flame. (magic) Hits one enemy MT Mega Fire title.jpg
Mega Lightning 16 20 Sizzle an enemy plus those on either side with fierce lightning. (magic) Hits the targeted enemy and adjacent enemies MT Mega Lightning title.jpg
Mega Explosion 20 30 Invoke a huge explosion, sending all enemies up in flames. (magic) Hits all enemies MT Mega Explosion title.jpg
Barrier 24 18 Erect a barrier in front of you that reduces all damage taken. (magic) Creates a barrier in front of the user that reduces damage and lasts either until the end of the battle or until Shield Sprinkles are used. MT Barrier title.jpg
Giga Lightning 28 40 Zap an enemy plus this on either side with fierce lightning. (magic) Hits targeted enemy and adjacent enemies MT Giga Lightning title.jpg
Giga Explosion 33 45 Invoke a huge fireball that deals huge damage to all enemies. (magic) Hits all enemies MT Giga Explosion.jpg
Tower of Flame 37 50 Bake one enemy to a crisp with a mage-tastic flaming pillar. (magic) Hits one enemy MT Tower of Flame title.jpg


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese まほうつかい
Ma hō tsukai
Magic user